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Published on 02 November 2020

A global forum organized by IACAD next December 2020

A global forum organized by IACAD next December 2020

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) in Dubai announced organizing an online global forum entitled "Dubai Platform for Best Practices in the Service of the Holy Quran" within the framework of attracting various paths of knowledge related to the Quran, as the platform aims to become Dubai the leading city in teaching the Quran field even in light of emergency and crises.

IACAD will organize the activities of the platform on December 10th 2020, with the slogan “the future of the Quran education”, to promote positive experiences from various entities of the regional level to facilitate the service of teaching moderate Islamic sciences. Also, to enable various segments of society to benefit from memorizing, reciting and learning the Holy Quran.

His Excellency Dr. Hamad Al Sheikh Ahmed Al Shaibani, Director General of IACAD, confirmed that organizing a global event entitled “Dubai Platform for Best Practices in Serving the Holy Quran” comes to build a solid base that contains the keys to knowledge from various global experiences by presenting best practices and advances educational development in Quran education.

Al Shaibani appreciated the leadership’s continuous support to serve the Holy Quran and Islam in general, by spreading its values, moderate teachings, and teaching it even in crises and emergency circumstances. His Excellency continued saying: “The service of the Quran is a great message that the nation was honored to carry, represented by its scholars’ working and faith to this religion. The organization of this event comes by the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department based on our belief in the importance of actively contributing to this great task.”

The Director General of IACAD indicated that the use of advanced technologies in Quran education has taken a more widespread and important dimension than before, and there is no doubt that there are many important axes that fall under the idea of looking at the future of Quran education under all possible future situations and circumstances, especially emergency ones.

The event is in line with the rapid development in the areas of communication, learning and influence, through the establishment of dialogue sessions that deals with the best practices to serve the Quran and to identify the most important challenges facing Quran education, and ways to overcome them and anticipate the future of Quran education.

His Excellency said that the platform will reflect all efforts that work to serve the Holy Quran, explaining that ideas will meet to study the most prominent problems, obstacles and challenges facing the educational institutions of the Holy Quran in light of emergencies and crises. Also, to put forward methods and means to overcome them, in addition to anticipating the future of Quran education .

For his part, Dr. Omar Muhammad Al Khatib, Executive Director of the Islamic Affairs Sector, General Coordinator of the platform, said that one of the most important goals of this global platform is to consolidate the use of modern technologies in teaching the Quran, and to present the best advanced educational practices in remote Quran education.

“The platform will Study the most prominent problems, obstacles and challenges that faced educational institutions for the Holy Quran in times of crisis and emergency. It will propose ways and means of overcoming them, foreseeing the future of Quran education, and finally generalizing benefit from distinguished experiences”. Al Khatib concluded.

Hamad Muhammad Al Khazraji, Director of Maktoum Holy Quran Memorization Centers, and member of the platform’s Supreme Committee, indicated that “Dubai Platform for Best Practices in the Service of the Holy Qur’an” will raise the level of performance for Maktoum Centers and the Holy Quran Memorization Centers as well by applying international best practices in remote education system.

The platform will address 3 main axes such as: the advanced technologies in remote Quran education, challenges and obstacles in remote Quran education, and exploring the future of Quran education, which will be in three consecutive sessions in total three hours.

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