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Launch of the "Ajeal" Initiative

Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, in collaboration with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, launches the " Ajyal " program to enhance religious awareness among school students in the Emirate of Dubai.


Statement from the Director General of the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department

His Excellency Ahmed Darwish Al-Mehairi, Director General of the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, stated: "At the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, we believe that education is the foundation for building advanced societies. Therefore, the launch of the 'Ajyal' program represents a crucial step toward achieving our vision of fostering a collaborative language to meet our goals by creating an environment for students, parents, and educational bodies using the department’s available resources. This initiative reflects institutional collaboration among entities in Dubai." He continued: "The 'Ajyal' program is not just a series of lectures but an interactive platform aimed at building bridges of mutual understanding and trust among all concerned parties. We recognize that success in education requires cooperation and integration between the family, school, and community. Through this program, we aim to provide sustainable and impactful support that enhances students' ability to face challenges and positively enriches their educational experience."

Statement from Her Excellency Aisha Abdullah Miran, Director General of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai

Her Excellency Aisha Abdullah Miran, Director General of the KHDA in Dubai, said: "We appreciate the launch of the 'Ajyal' program, which is a result of the ongoing efforts by our colleagues at the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department to raise awareness among the emerging generations about important social phenomena and to build positive interaction platforms. We are pleased to continue working together, uniting our efforts and expertise to achieve the common goals of this important initiative, which will contribute to preparing and empowering our students with the skills needed to face challenges and enhance their awareness of positive values within a supportive educational environment that aligns with national identity and Islamic teachings, in line with the Dubai Social Agenda 33."


IACAD Launches "Ajyal" Program to Enhance Religious Awareness Among School Students in Dubai

As part of the Dubai Social Agenda 33 initiatives and in pursuit of nurturing a generation committed to Islamic principles, the Arabic language, and national identity, the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, in collaboration with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai, has launched the "Ajyal" program. This initiative aims to enhance religious awareness among school students in Dubai regarding significant social phenomena. It is part of the "Gharas Al-Khayr" initiative, which seeks to build bridges of mutual understanding among all parties involved in the educational environment. The "Ajyal" program reflects the joint efforts of stakeholders and experts to promote awareness and develop communication skills among students, parents, and educational and administrative bodies in schools. The program serves as a comprehensive interactive platform that includes lectures, dialogue and educational workshops, featuring a select group of experienced and qualified speakers and educational specialists.

Intervention by Mr. Ibrahim Jassim Al-Mansouri - Head of the Religious Guidance Department

The following points were reviewed:

          • The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, in collaboration with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, has launched an initiative to enhance religious awareness among students in schools in Dubai.
          • This program is part of the "Ghiras Al-Khayr" initiative announced by His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed Al Maktoum.
          • The "Ajyal" program comes as part of activating the twinning agreement between the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority.
          • The " Ajyal " program is an educational initiative aimed at promoting awareness and Islamic culture regarding important social phenomena.
          • The program targets three groups: school students, parents, and teaching staff.
          • It will include religious lectures, interactive workshops, discussion sessions, competitions, and prizes.
          • The program aims to reach 26 private schools in Dubai, focusing on those with a significant number of Emirati students.
          • The program emphasizes providing diverse religious content through a moderate Islamic curriculum.
          • A unique feature of the lectures will be pre- and post-session questions, presentations, and discussion sessions.
To listen to the interview click here

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