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Customer Happiness Charter

A proud employee who provides service + A dedicated entity to satisfy customers + A positive and proactive client = Customer happiness

We are proud employee to provide you with our unique service "Committed to your Happiness" by":

  • Welcoming you with a smile
  • A distinguished first impression
  • Professional initiation in providing assistance
  • Good listening skills
  • Respect and dignity
  • Understanding and considerate
  • Innovation in providing services
  • Dedicated to customer happiness
  • Providing an impressive customer experience
  • Positivity

We are entity dedicated to customer happiness. We commit to "work for your happiness" by:

  • Providing a hospitable environment that promotes happiness and positivity
  • Impress customers y providing services that exceed their expectations
  • Providing a quick and simplified service
  • The customer's voice is heard
  • A guaranteed unique personalized customer experience
  • Involving the customer in developing services
  • Providing the service to ensure the convenience of the customer
  • Sustainable innovation in providing future services
  • Providing services that guarantees justice and equality
  • To work as a team to enhance a customer's happiness

Dear positive and motivated customers "Help us make you happy" by:

  • Providing correct and updated information and documents
  • Participating in developing the service
  • Providing constructive feedback and innovative and positive suggestions
  • Contributing to future services
  • Sharing your happy and positive experience with others

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