Dubai stands out as one of the premier cities globally for residence and employment, boasting a remarkably diverse community. In upholding societal unity and solidarity, the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department in Dubai plays a pivotal role. Its functions encompass fostering community cohesion, safeguarding familial bonds, fortifying national identity, and upholding Islamic values. With a vision to be a global leader in Islamic and charitable endeavors, the department is committed to delivering unparalleled services to Dubai residents. This includes the dissemination and promotion of Islamic culture, as well as the formulation of public policies for charitable initiatives in the emirate, along with providing exceptional services in mosques for worshipers.
Aligned with the Dubai Social Agenda 2033, the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department in Dubai operates in adherence to its designated responsibilities and capabilities. Its focus lies in empowering and strengthening the family unit in all aspects, achieved through furthering Islamic values among family members and the cultivation of social solidarity within the broader community. The Department is actively engaged in numerous initiatives and projects aimed at ensuring the optimal preservation of the social and familial fabric in Dubai. These efforts are intended to have a tangible impact on the behaviors and interactions of community members.
The Department is unwaveringly dedicated to enhancing Dubai's global standing by bringing satisfaction to the Dubai community benefiting from its services. It is devoted to preserving and fortifying families with the right blend of Islamic and human values, creating avenues for empowering citizens within its domain, fostering robust partnerships with the private sector in the emirate and establishing enduring collaborations with charitable donors and individuals seeking philanthropic opportunities. These endeavors are geared towards promoting community solidarity and cohesion. 
General Manager
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