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Published on 27 September 2024

IACAD Signs memorandum of understanding with Jumeirah University

IACAD Signs memorandum of understanding with Jumeirah University

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai (IACAD) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Jumeirah University to enhance collaboration in education, training, and scientific research. The agreement aims to achieve synergy between the two entities in providing specialized community services related to Islamic affairs and charitable work, as well as developing academic and research programs that promote religious awareness and prepare a generation capable of innovation and creativity, aligned with the developments of the modern era and the ongoing development and leadership journey in the United Arab Emirates.

The agreement was signed by Mr. Buti Abdullah Al-Jumeiri, Executive Director of the Institutional Support Sector of IACAD, and Professor Munir Al-Dhuhbi, President of Jumeirah University, in the presence of several officials from both parties.

Al-Jumeiri emphasized that signing the memorandum of understanding with Jumeirah University represents an important step towards enhancing cooperation between institutions to serve the community. He highlighted IACAD’s commitment to developing educational and research programs that support Islamic values and empower youth to face contemporary challenges, noting that this partnership will contribute to providing specialized services that reflect the UAE’s vision for sustainable development and leadership in various fields.

Dr. Munir Al-Dhuhbi, President of Jumeirah University, stressed the importance of this partnership in achieving community interaction. He stated that the memorandum of understanding represents a significant step in equipping youth with the necessary skills and knowledge in alignment with the principles of moderate Islam, in accordance with the UAE’s vision to fulfill the aspirations of its leadership.

Both parties confirmed the importance of collaborating to offer specialized educational programs in Islamic jurisprudence, such as preaching, fatwas, imamate, and public speaking, as well as supporting and enhancing each party's role in community work, and facilitating communication channels to achieve mutual interests. This cooperation aims to strengthen joint efforts in achieving community and national goals in Dubai.

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