The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai successfully concluded its awareness course titled " Be Kind to Parents," which was presented in two parts: the first in Filipino and the second in English. The course targeted new Muslims and was part of IACAD’s commitment to providing a supportive educational environment for them, ensuring their proper integration into their religious and social community, and helping them build a healthy and stable Islamic life.
The course covered various aspects such as acts of worship, monotheism, Islamic ethics, and the importance of teaching them how to treat their parents, whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim. The course saw exceptional interaction from the new Muslims, with over 20 remote participations via Microsoft Teams, where they expressed their deep gratitude for the efforts of the organizers and their tireless efforts to explain the teachings of Islam and its tolerant values in a simple and clear manner. Additionally, the opportunity to directly engage with scholars and imams enhanced their confidence and understanding of Islam, empowering them with religious knowledge.
At the end of the course, the "Kindness to Parents" program witnessed the conversion to Islam of one of the female participants from the Filipino community, who expressed a strong passion to learn more about the teachings and principles of this faith, which promotes the values of goodness and love in the hearts of people.